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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How Does Color Affect Your Moods?

I am curious to know whether there is anybody else out there like me. I find that colors such as blue, green and purple seem to make me come alive. I use to attend a high school where the students would wear purple ties and I guess that has contributed to me liking purple, but then, I am amazed at the way colors affect my mood.

Check this out...on any given day when I am not feeling so well or "not so hot". I find that if I wear something with my favorite colors it just miraculously transform my day. It is almost like a female with her hair, she really did not think much of it, yet she receives numerous compliments for it. That has the potential to just make her day and sweep her off her feet.
I have realized that colors are directly related to the way I feel about myself, others and my environment. What do you think?

How Do Highly Successful Women Find Love?

I am concerned at the fact that I am not seeing many women who are highly successful being married.
It is a growing and worrying trend.
Is it that successful women and marriage do not make a good mix?

I find in our culture that the woman who are the big bosses in top companies are usually unmarried and often times if they are married, that usually changes.
Is it something worth considering over?
Is it that highly successful women will not be able to hold a stable relationship or is it that men are not able to deal with successful women or is it a mixture of both?

One common thought is that when a woman becomes the bread winner, she takes on the role of being the hunter, the chaser. A role which in the past was predominantly occupied by men.
We perhaps need to dialogue with highly successful women.
It is quite an interesting fact, what do you think?

We Could Learn a Thing or Two about Patience

We Could Learn a Thing or Two About Patience

"There are two main things in life that teach me the virtue of patience, a child and an old car."

Your initial response may be to laugh, but this is so true.

In my everyday affairs, I have been taking note just how impatient persons can be.

My Darling wife admits that she struggles with patience; they are constantly at odds with each other.
I grew up with four brothers and four sisters and interestingly no two siblings behave the same.
Some are more patient than others but I want to share something with you that will change your life.I have made a few discoveries about Patience.
Quite often the person who requires more patience finds it difficult to exercise patience.
Here goes the first principle:
  • Whatever you need you are going to find it difficult to give.
There is also a twin side to this thing.
We usually say that an impatient person is someone who exercise very little patience when dealing with others, but that is only half of the whole.
Whenever we are dealing with an impatient person we must exercise a greater level of patience. This therefore validate principle No. 1I found this principle holds true for all the other virtues: love, kindness and so on.
A loving person is not only someone who loves others easily but that person is always easy to love.
When I shared this startling discovery with my wife she was amazed.
The entire discovery has caused me to redefine some of the essential characteristics of life.

It even gets better when I tell you about principle No. 2

Let Love Be Your Highest Goal

Everybody will be talking about love over the next few days or so. Today, while having my morning devotion I came across this truly profound and amazing scripture which states the caption above.

"Let Love be your highest goal". I was reading 1 Corinthians 14: 1 when I found it.

Isn't it rather interesting how we pursue so many things, wealth, career, romance and a whole host of other stuff.
Yet we miss this simple and purposeful reason to life? love. I pray you all will have more love and more love.

Love is one of the most precious gifts God has given us.

It is the most thought about, sang about virtue of all time.
It is often misunderstood, misjudged and confused with other things.

Since I read this I am more convinced that this is exactly what the world needs, so I'm not going to give up on giving more love.

Don't be blinded by 'love-in-a-box'.  Love must be extended beyond your family and friends.
Love must be extended beyond your romantic counterparts and pursuits.

Love is the greatest - give it - share it.

So now I am even more committed to loving others much more than I did before.
I want to withhold nothing in me from 'God-access'.

God performs His agenda through love.

We should do the same...