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Friday, February 25, 2011

Magnificent moon

    magnificent moon

    makes the man

    moves the earth

    modern moods

    miss a lover

    money for monkey

    matters monthly

    mental madness

    mighty memories

    amazing mysteries

    marvelous light

    bright at dark

    rules the night

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Walk away…

She brings a fight to him

A terrible, popular human plight

He hits back bruising her badly

He doesn’t want to harm her

But she is filled with rage and anger

She is in danger of herself

She pushes him over

He hits his head

She beat him and beat him

Till he decide this was not to be any longer

Blood gushes out of her belly

As he plunge a knife into her stomach

Not once but over and over again

She laid, lifeless, the floor filled with red

In a moment she will be dead

The world will think she is a saint

And he a murderer

Oh the price he must now pay

If he only had but walked away

Walk away when you can see the danger

Walk away when the next person is blinded by anger

Walk away as it doesn’t matter the reason for the strife

It’s never worth the taking of another human life

Walk away…

(Everyday family violence occur, the murder rate is high, alarming and growing.

We must encourage persons to walk away. Don’t argue if it will lead to a fight, just simply walk away. A true winner knows he/she doesn’t have to fight to win. The one who knows better but fail to do it is the real loser)

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Mind…The Moment

The mind…The Moment

A moment can change the mind…

The mind can rob you of a moment…

The mind…The Moment

A moment can birth newness in the mind…

The mind can bring new life to a moment…

The mind…The Moment

The mind can cause you to miss the moment…

In a moment you could lose your mind…

The mind…The Moment

In a moment

In a mind

There are some things which must be erased and left behind

To save the momemt

To save the mind

Friday, February 11, 2011

Love Quest

When man on his quest discovers love at its best

He loses his mind to regain it with the passing of time

I am yet to understand how a man who is free

Craves love and its captivity, how clever

For he who has been chained with chains is still free

But he that is chained with love is bound forever.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

She Glows…

She glows for her beloved

She glows as her heart finds love

She glows thinking of him who her heart requires

She glows as he is her true desire

She glows whenever he is near

She glows hands locked, walking out on the pier

She glows as love found her heart

She glows from his kiss

She glows from his touch

She glows from a longing to hear his voice

She glows as she misses him so much

She glows for her lover, oh no! Not you, please don’t touch

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Save Decency

There seems to be an all out campaign to rid the world of decent and upright living

There are those who believe it has to be indecency to be entertaining

Those who believe that must be in a manner that is rude, slack or feisty in order to gain an audience

Then there are those who ride on the waves of indecency and are stimulated by nothing less

In an attempt to please ourselves, we oftentimes offend each other and offend our Creator.

Save decency…

It doesn’t have to be excessive to be expressive

It does not have to be offensive to be intensive

Corruption isn’t the only solution

I long to see the rude being booed

Save truth, honesty and courtesy

Save our youth from the uncouth

Save decency…

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

In My Mind

I saw you today, oh how gorgeous you looked.

It seems like your face radiate the glory of the sun and the calm cool beam of the star

I heard your voice today, sweet melodious classic to my ear

As beautiful as nature
As peaceful as the spring

Now you make me want to dance and sing

This happened today, all in my mind
I wish it would never go away

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Doesn’t it bother you?

Doesn’t it bother you…
That our children are not allowed to grow in a normal way because of pedifiers?

Doesn’t it bother you…
That you must not ever forget to lock your house door behind you once you get in at night?

Doesn’t it bother you…
That two school boys from the very same school would argue and fight to the point that one stabbed the other and now one is being buried and the other being sentenced?

Doesn’t it bother you…
That some sellers will sell their goods at exorbitant prices which end up going to waste any ways?

Doesn’t it bother you…
That I have to write about it?

Doesn’t it bother you…
That you could be traveling in a taxi and be robbed and shot?

Doesn’t it bother you…
That there is at times a strong syndication between the prison and the palace?

Doesn’t it bother you…
That proper parenting is woefully lacking?

Doesn’t it bother you…
That too many leaders occupying their positions are not being held responsible and accountable?

Doesn’t it bother you that you worry too much?

…Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you – Peter 5:7

Friday, February 4, 2011

Potential Sinners

One potential sinner judges another
Having known what the other did
Now feels he is better

One potential sinner sin for money
Another sin for power
Both needs a miracle
Both needs a Saviour

One potential sinner now realise
He needs a brother or sister
We are sinners by nature
Accept God's gift, live forever

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Acting and Reacting

Do you often react in a surprising way for even the slightest thing?

Are you more prone to act or to react?

Remember your action is worth far more than your reactions.

I sometimes think of how difficult it is for people to act and make the first move while it becomes so easy for them to react.

They hesitantly make the first move to do something good or even to say how much they appreciate the benefits, people and blessings around them. Yet they, without reservations, become easy triggers to reacting to how they feel.

Learning to separate our feelings from our reactions requires great control and maturity. You should not expend your energies reacting to words, behaviours and other negatives. If you do then you only act as robots and oftentimes will upset and frustrate yourself even more.

If you are feeling bad about something someone has done to you, it is never justification to respond in a bad way.

Refuse to react to the evil and bad. Instead dominate the life stage with your acts of love, kindness and goodness. It is too easy to render evil for evil. Tap into the supernatural and allow God to empower you to shine against the odds.

Good communication is hard work but the rewards are worthwhile. Invest in communicating well with others.

Believe you were made for better. Some people are determined to make the worse of you. Though difficult it may seem, be resolute in believing you were made for better.

Don't stoop to reacting accordingly instead act righteously.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Keep Me From Evil

Dear Lord,

As Jabez prayed that you would keep him from evil.
I also pray that you will keep evil away from me
You have instructed us in the model prayer to ask not to be led into temptation
And also to ask for deliverance from it

Too often your people see a temptation bus passing by and hitch hike; knowing very well its danger and destination.

Our hearts are wicked without your love and forgiveness
Lord, keep me from evil and keep evil from me

As I grow in your word, let your supernatural power manifest itself in my life.
Make it hard for evil to draw nigh, as your covering is all over me

Today I pray that you will deliver me from evil, seen and unseen, known and unknown.
Deliver me from the wicked foes and masquerading friends.
Keep me in all my ways. Amen.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Daddy! Pay Attention to me Please…

Daddy you would never imagine how much I suffer when you’re not here…
My heart trembles when the skies are dark and I am so overwhelmed by fear…

Daddy when you show me how to live…
It is the best gift you could ever give…

Daddy, school is hard work and your words of encouragements are like my spring board into a life of success…

Daddy when you help me to understand relationships and love…
My heart is more secured and I am better able to function…

Daddy you make such a big difference in my life…
We all have to fight to keep the good and positive in our lives…

So I am going to help you to pay attention to me…
Because when you do and I do the same, what a wonderful world this will be…