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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Saying I love you

I said it

I meant it

And it felt real good

These three little words

Eight letters no hate letters

In one unbroken sentence

I said it

I meant it

And it felt really good

It came back to me

In ways I just couldn’t see

And it felt real good like it should

We desire to hear it from someone

Experience it, not with just anyone

It must be ‘someone’

Time has never really explain

Words that can sooth and heal

Remove the headache, the pain

I said it

I meant it

And it felt real good

You heard it

You believed it

And it felt real good too

Saying I love you

Is a powerful heart-glue

The bond for two hearts wanting to come together

Between “I” and “You”

There is something we’ve got to learn to do

Place love in the middle, always start with “I” but focus on “You”

I said it

I meant it

And it felt real good

Like a ‘Give away’ that stays

A run away that never leaves

Love resides in the heart and parades on the sleeves

Love award us experiences we never knew

Stirs the emotions and awake the soul,

Or cause the soul to sleep and dream by a simple

“I love you”

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


How do you keep a smile?...

When there is so much disappointment, so much pain...

When it seems you are losing a lot with very little gain...

How do you keep a smile?...

When life requires so much of you...

When daily your storms you’re passing through...

How do you keep a smile?...

When your heart is breaking...

When deep inside you are aching..

How do you keep a smile?...

When you feel like you are the only one standing...

When many issues have you craving for more and more understanding...

How do you keep a smile?...

Day in and day out...

When life is almost freaking you out...

In everything we encounter daily...

There is always a point of decision..

A time to decide what you will give up and what you will take on...

You must decide whether this is worth your smile...

Next time someone tries to upset you, discourage you or offend you...

Ask, “Is this worth the value of my smile?”...

How do you keep a smile?...

Refuse to give it up for the cheap, disturbing moments we all face...

Your smile is worth more; don’t lose it over just any and everything...

A smile is healing, keep it!