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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

We Could Learn a Thing or Two about Patience

We Could Learn a Thing or Two About Patience

"There are two main things in life that teach me the virtue of patience, a child and an old car."

Your initial response may be to laugh, but this is so true.

In my everyday affairs, I have been taking note just how impatient persons can be.

My Darling wife admits that she struggles with patience; they are constantly at odds with each other.
I grew up with four brothers and four sisters and interestingly no two siblings behave the same.
Some are more patient than others but I want to share something with you that will change your life.I have made a few discoveries about Patience.
Quite often the person who requires more patience finds it difficult to exercise patience.
Here goes the first principle:
  • Whatever you need you are going to find it difficult to give.
There is also a twin side to this thing.
We usually say that an impatient person is someone who exercise very little patience when dealing with others, but that is only half of the whole.
Whenever we are dealing with an impatient person we must exercise a greater level of patience. This therefore validate principle No. 1I found this principle holds true for all the other virtues: love, kindness and so on.
A loving person is not only someone who loves others easily but that person is always easy to love.
When I shared this startling discovery with my wife she was amazed.
The entire discovery has caused me to redefine some of the essential characteristics of life.

It even gets better when I tell you about principle No. 2

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