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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pause, don't stop

As we go through life we have varied experiences; some are frightening and others lead us into exhilarating joy. When you go through your moments of loss or death, take time out to grieve. Cry if you must and reflect on it all, the good and somber times. Allow room for your wisdom to grow from each and every encounter.

When you go through your moments of success and achievement, take time out to celebrate. Laugh, dance and be merry; there is nothing wrong with basking in the rewards of your efforts for a while.

Whatever you face, don't stop there. There are greater things to achieve and more fulfilling things to do. There is more purpose to your life and more great moments to experience. If you stop, you may never experience the better part of your life. Pause, don't stop.

Some experiences may be harsher than others. Don’t stop loving because someone broke your heart. Don’t stop giving because others don’t appreciate all you do. Don’t stop forgiving even though you have been hurt and disappointed. Pause, don’t stop.

These moments of ‘pausing’ will be the most crucial and profound times in your life. If you seek clarity and meaning, the lessons are always greater than you had ever imagined them to be. Pause, don't stop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so true. These are very great words.