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Friday, October 16, 2015

Dishonourable Speaking - Reflections of the heart

What if the tongue you used to slay others was also slaying you slowly?

If everytime you would critically rip to pieces politicians, leaders, management, people in the news, your church, your friends, associates or family the resulting effect would be a huge scar on your face or in your soul, would you still be as careless with what you purport about others?

The self talk you have will always determine your level of happiness or misery. The issues in your heart you will always want to speak, regardless of whether they are true or not.

There is also the tendency to believe too that even if something might be factual it is OK to become dishonourable with our speaking. So we spread facts and lies with little or no care for the persons we speak about.

There are missing fathers from several homes but God does not excuse us being disrespectful to the male not being present.

One Church Minister shared how her husband was inside preaching at an event while she sat outside for 6 hours listening to gossip.

She said she didn't do anything except listen so what could be so bad about that. Later on that night as she prepared for bed she tried to pray but realised that something had gone terribly wrong. God was not responding to her.

This continued for a week, until God eventually took her on a journey through a vision to show her the largest solid waste and garbage disposal dump yard in the city of Kingston and said: "That's you."

You see, even though she was only the recipient of the gossip it had the destructive impact of desecrating her temple and made her stink.

When we are hurting, pressured or offended there can be a stronghold set up to make us do evil we never imagined.
Our speaking easily set traps for us and for others.

In wanting to speak about our pain we all too often create additional pain for ourselves and others and new ones too.

Today, guard your heart and put a watch on your mouth. James describe the tongue as deadly poison but he also said this:
James 5.19-20.asv "My brethren, if any among you err from the truth, and one convert him; let him know, that he who converteth a sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall cover a multitude of sins."

When next you feel impressed to talk about issues of your heart, commit to 'building and not killing'.

Speaking life even in the face of death are among the attitudes and characteristics of the believers of Jesus Christ.

If you wouldn't want it return to you, then commit to never send it out in the first place. Honourable people speak honour and dishonorable people will always speak dishonour.

By J.D. Gordon (Author of the Colour and Power of Your Thoughts)
Listen to his music here: YOUTUBE


Unknown said...

This has reminded me to be very careful. I have been careful about this but now I am doubly reminded of how important it is to not harbour waste. Let us pay special attention no gossip passes through us whether intentionally or not.

Unknown said...

This has reminded me to be very careful. I have been careful about this but now I am doubly reminded of how important it is to not harbour waste. Let us pay special attention no gossip passes through us whether intentionally or not.

Anonymous said...

This is definitely God speaking to me through this article. God e praised!