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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Negative Motivations

As a child I was taunted by some of my older siblings. Being number eight of nine, I was pressured in more than one ways to perform. Some times I was called negative names by a brother who is an expert on giving people names.

I have overcome those hurdles but sometimes I wonder how much these early childhood experiences impact on my life today. Feelings of inadequacy, loneliness and unworthiness use to plague me. As a result of my faith in Jesus, I have overcome these, but I know there are many families who struggle with issues like mine.

These negative motivations drove me to make something of my life. With a deep and burning desire to fit in, I have more than 'fit it’; I have created my own mold, model and designs for others to copy. Learning to turn our negative situations into positives is a remarkable gift. I believe now with all my heart that I am destined for greatness.