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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Do you always have to be reminded?

Do you need reminders of important things?
Sometimes no matter how important some things are, some folks still need a little nudge every now and again.

I have seen parents become so angry at their child not taking home his/her pencil from school when the grownups sometimes don’t even know who last borrowed their pen.
I know, that right there is for another blog…


The writer Peter said, “So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have.” – 1 Peter 2:12
After that verse he went on to say in verse thirteen:

“I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body,
It is always good to be in a position to be able to remind others of what is good and godly.

I believe that once we are gentle with our reminders and kind people are usually more apt to receive, of course it a few exceptions.
We must not become offended by others nonchalant attitude towards God and the things of God.
We must not become offended by others nonchalant regard for the things we hold dear.

Every moment is a moment to grow, share, love and believe.
Our human nature more often than not will lead us down the wrong path.

Look at this…

Peter then went on to say in verse 15 of said chapter that he wanted to leave a good legacy
“And I will make every effort to see that after my departure you will always be able to remember these things.

My question to you now is very simple.

What lessons did you learn or were reminded of during the month of May (the month just ended) that you now need to take note of in June (the new month)?

·         Make a list…

·         Create a plan as to how you will apply each of these lessons daily…

·         Daily you must do something in line with where you want to go…
I want to also encourage you to identify those things that you really want to be reminded of throughout the month. e.g. I want to be reminded of God's love for me or I want to be told I am loved and appreciated.

Its really so important that you always know what fuel you need in your tank to keep you going.

Happy New Month – Happy June!