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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Keep Me From Evil

Dear Lord,

As Jabez prayed that you would keep him from evil.
I also pray that you will keep evil away from me
You have instructed us in the model prayer to ask not to be led into temptation
And also to ask for deliverance from it

Too often your people see a temptation bus passing by and hitch hike; knowing very well its danger and destination.

Our hearts are wicked without your love and forgiveness
Lord, keep me from evil and keep evil from me

As I grow in your word, let your supernatural power manifest itself in my life.
Make it hard for evil to draw nigh, as your covering is all over me

Today I pray that you will deliver me from evil, seen and unseen, known and unknown.
Deliver me from the wicked foes and masquerading friends.
Keep me in all my ways. Amen.