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Friday, May 27, 2016

I am always tired: Why?


Do you always complain about being tired?

Do you know anyone who is always complaining of being tired?

They get plenty of sleep but are still exhausted.

Some persons blame their busy lifestyle, some blame their job, the children, the absence of support and so on.

Among the most common reasons outlined by the medical review teams are:

·         Poor eating habits

·         Lack of sleep

·         Anaemia

·         Problems with the thyroid

·         Depression

·         Heart disease and so on

Most of these reasons mentioned above you can easily find ton loads already researched and written about.


I would like to take you on a slightly different journey.

I will do this very quickly before you start complaining that you are too tired to read this long blog…


Before you conclude the reason you are always feeling tired, would you consider these?

1.    You are always saying you are tired.

Could it be that the more you say you are tired is the more you actually feel tired with no end to this ‘tiredness cycle’?

Is there a possibility that your body is taking on the words you keep speaking over it?

Instead of saying you are tired, why not consider saying it like this:

 “I am going to rest now so I will have all the energy I need to complete my schedule tomorrow.”


“Today I exchanged quite a bit of my energy to achieve some great results and I want to have another fulfilling day tomorrow so I am going to relax and get some rest now.”

Key: How are the words you are speaking affecting the way you are living?

Check it out.

      2.    Are you motivated about whatever it is that you are doing?

I find that when you are passionate about life and whatever it is you are doing, it helps to get out of bed.

When you are actively pursuing a dream, a vision and something that is of worth to you then miracles happen even with your body being strong enough.

You are almost always jumping out of bed with renewed strength and vigour to take on each day.

It is believed that a frightening number of persons go through life without ever identifying their purpose or divine assignment.

Key: Can you identify your purpose and is this something worth looking at for you?

Check it out.

3.    Relaxation before sleep

How relaxed are you before going off to sleep?

Have you ever found that you had enough sleep but still wake feeling very tired and overwhelmed by fatigue?

Do a test, and compare the results. If you like to listen to light, calming music, then do that before going off to bed and check the results.

Take a trip to the seaside, if you can and look at the water, listen to the waves and go home and go to bed. Again, check the results.

Key: If this is one of the areas that is critical to you right now, then you might want to even keep a ‘sleep journal’ (I am just creating this idea for you now), to help you track what happens before, after and during sleep.

Check it out.

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