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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My past - DOOR - My Future

After I walked through the door, it was still immediately behind me.

Its shadow was still on my heels.

If I had made just one step backwards I would once again slip back through the door.

I would have hit reverse into a place from which I so desperately wanted to walk away.

I have been longing for the change. I dreamt many nights about it. Now as I am standing right next to the door, I must decide whether I am at its ‘entrance’ or at its ‘exit’. If I walk through the door; then I must be prepared to hold my head up, look straight ahead and move forward one step at a time.

My past is behind me and my future ahead of me.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

So finally I decided to go through the door. It was now behind me.

As I walked further and further away...

Soon the door was a little distant away and to go back would take some falling back, some letting go and some backward thinking. But as I journeyed further and further away, I resisted the thought of going back more and more. Soon the door had become but a small part of my distant past. My emotions started playing tricks on me again so I asked myself, “Are you running?” “Yes! I am running”, I answered myself.

I spoke to myself and encouraged myself with certainty that God would see me through it this time.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

My past is my past and I must past it to move forward.

If the past keep haunting you, touching you on your shoulder every now and again, don’t look back, move straight ahead. Speak to yourself in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Make melody in your heart to the Lord.

For inside these doors lies my past, your past, but I have walked out, I have moved on, I am not looking back, that is a fact, and I believe I was made for better, so too were you. Take that bold, brave step only you know God has placed in your heart, it lines up so well with His word and will for you, so why don’t you just do it?

Make that step, make that move...

By J.D. Gordon (Author of the Colour and Power of Your Thoughts)
Listen to his music here: YOUTUBE

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