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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Complete Makeover

It is never easy to think or accept that the problems I face do not start with me.

It is always natural and easier to deem the world is going the wrong way and you are the only one who seems to be getting it right.

Conflicts flourish on seeds of selfishness, a judgmental spirit and an unwillingness to forgive.
As I look around me, my home, my church, my work and my community and by extension my country.

It is so easy to get up each day and point fingers at everyone else and to rationalize why the world is the way it is.

I have seen great confusion, strive, discontent and evil at the hands of people who thought they could protect themselves from bad influences.

But I have grown to realise that our unwillingness to submit moves us from the umbrella of divine protection.
If I decide not to submit to the laws of the land I am therefore removing my protection.

Believing I can do better on my own only creates more waste and regrets. We are all susceptible and must take the necessary steps to protect God’s purpose in us.

I feel at times as though I am in a scorching pot, that is about to cook me alive.
But I usually find refuge when I withdraw myself to do my regular introspections and ask the Holy Spirit to show me where I went wrong.

My lesson:

Try changing everything around you and you will die trying, think differently and you will change everything around you

So I am now at the place where I believe I am the problem but then I am also the solution. Until I accept that I am the problem then I won’t see the need to be fixed.

I won’t submit myself to God’s authority for him to break, remold and set me. Until I see the need for a complete makeover, the regretful trend may continue.

It is our decision that creates seasons, so I am creating a new season in my life by deciding to go under God’s knife, a complete makeover.

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