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Monday, July 26, 2010

The Burden of a Girl's Heart - Prayer

Oh God,

You are God of all creation, human and wisdom.
You reign supreme.
Oh God, you know the cries of my heart

Some things I just don’t understand.
Why a mother hates her child,
Or a child hates his/her mother
I don’t quite know why mom and dad just doesn’t seem to get along

Nor do I understand why it seems as though dad hates his child
And why the child hates dad
How can a place of love and protection
Be packed with so much hatred, bitterness and danger?

God, Almighty!
Where have we gone wrong?
The devil is certainly having a field day in our family
We have a spare room around the back, I am sure that is where he sleeps at nights.

Sisters and brothers hating each other so much they try to kill each other
And sometimes they do succeed.
God, in all this madness
Fill my heart with gladness

Hear the cries of your children,
The cries of children being hurt and cursed,
The sadness and pain of children being battered and abused
A land in ruins, a family in turmoil

“The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish pulls it down with her hands” (Proverbs 14:1)
“A wise man builds his house upon a rock…” Matt. 7:24

Why a teen, a child like me should carry such a burden?
So God, I write you this prayer from eyes swollen with tears
I write you with a heart so filled with anguish and hate, for my parents taught me well
Sometimes God, Dad, I wonder what was it like when my parents were children
Did their parents hate them too?

God for four years now I tried killing myself, I have now concluded that even death hates me
So now I want to live and find true love in the world,
I believe I was made for better.

Help me to show that with you in my life, a mess can become a message
Help me God to find better, help me to endure, help me to find joy, in Jesus name.

(A child, a teenager, a man, a woman, needs this prayer today - A world filled with dysfunctional families - Intercede toay)

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