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Monday, June 7, 2010

Who or what is standing in your way?

In your quest for success how do you decide who to keep close to you?

How will you jeopardize your goals by playing with fire or by simply being stupid?

How can your smaller goals, wild habits and desires destroy your main purpose?

If you remain disorganized, uncommitted, indiscipline and tardy, how will this ultimately affect you achieving your goals and ultimately the final score of your life?

I have been embarking on a personal ‘clean-up’ exercise. What is that?
It is an exercise that is aimed at eliminating those beliefs, values, ideologies, thinking and imaginations, behaviours, prejudices, attitudes and individuals in my life which make it more difficult to live in God’s will. Frankly, I am embracing a wiser lifestyle and letting go of the complicated and foolish living.

Oftentimes it is said there is much wisdom in simplicity. I wholehearted agree. I have committed to living simplier and wiser too. We have complicated our own lives, and by so doing we have made living almost impossible.

I am on a quest to finding people I can network with who share similar passions and are also committed to their purpose. I will then keep these persons for as long as God says they are to remain a part of His plan for me. Speaking of plans we force others into our lives or vice a versa and they are not a part of the plan and never will be. But we somehow just want them to be, only to our own peril. Is that stupidity? I will let you be the judge.

The world is filled with too many people who are going nowhere. As difficult as that may sound, I know you will agree there is some truth to it. They are at the same place every time you meet them. It even gets worse in some instances. You must always go back over what you have done a thousand times before when dealing with them. They aren’t moving and they are not growing. They eventually start holding you back if they are around you long enough.

I have resolved in my heart, when I meet such persons I must seek God’s help and do the wise thing. I must let go of my ‘negative drivers’, which may be any of the seven things listed above. As a caution, we help ourselves down in attempting to help these persons up at times, so beware. The sooner we realise this is true the better we will be.

There are far too many persons who are their worse enemy, distracting themselves from the very goal they are working towards achieving. But what should they do? What can they do? Well..Deal with yourself, recognise that your soul likes to connect, but you must not connect or even entertain just about anyone.

Another area of concern, persons tend to hide under the ignorance clause, “IDK” or I don’t know. They tell themselves that they are not quite sure the impact others are having on them, and by the way, these are usually negative influences. They deny that there is power in the music they sing or listen to; they continue to say their environment, the company they keep, and the things at which they find entertaining are not distracting. Truthfully and sadly, they are living in a state of denial.

Beware, you can deceive or ‘psyche’ yourself into believing that some things that are destroying you are good for you.

I said it earlier that most persons are going nowhere. This is so because not many take the time and care to ask about that single most important purpose for which they were created.

They never take the time to ask God, The Creator for His blue print of their life.

Some do ask, but then start to construct their lives even before God responds.

So now, how do you decide who is to remain a part of your journey and who should not?

This is such an important question I am happy I learnt the importance of this in my mid teenage years. Daily look at the experiences you have, preferably at the end of the day. With God’s guidance decide which persons or things are worth having and which aren’t, always weighing them against the purpose God has planted in your heart.

Who claims to be wise? Let him show it by his good life. The book of James 3 is a good place to start.

1 comment:

shevel said...

Very interesting and helpful