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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Intimate worship and a friend in you

So many times you have cried because someone failed you… So many times you have cried because someone upset or disappointed you...Oh those times when you felt hurt by words, actions and beliefs.

There have even been those times you failed yourself and felt really bad.

But, when was the last time you felt so loved and appreciated it brought tears to your eyes?

When was the last time your heart swelled with passion and overwhelming joy?

That aching feeling you felt wasn’t quite pain…But the uneasiness of knowing you have finally found comfort you have always longed is alive… It feels so strange but it is what you wanted…Know this, you deserve it….Get use to it

Tears are just like expressing words, a language from your heart

If you have been so moved that your heart sweat and it shows on your face in the form of tears, then it is only a sign that your heart is healthy.

When you enter into intimate worship or you experience the joy of great, true and Godly friendship and love it makes your heart sing.

It makes our hearts sing when others touch our lives through their kindness

At times when God speak to our hearts, the only way the heart knows how to respond is through our tears.

Just love Him and enjoy those joys He has brought into your life.

Let your eyes cry, let your heart sing.

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