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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

You deserve it…No need to be apologetic

You have been in the same job for so many years and you feel as though it is time you move on, but the thoughts of leaving only make you feel guilty….Don’t be apologetic about it, you need to move on. You deserve it.

You have been wishing all your life for a partner who would love you and cherish you, making your life so much more worthwhile. It has started to happen. Now you are so happy and daily you are experiencing joy like you have never experienced before. Don’t fight it, let it happen. You deserve it.

You have wanted to make a change for the better for some time now.
You have been through a lot and cried many times too. God heard your prayers and is now ready to give you your heart’s desire. You are at the brink of a great change, a great time. All the stuffs you’ve detested are removing them selves from you and the type of people you love and admire are coming into your life.
This is your time to live and be free, your time to be happy.
Don’t be apologetic about it. You deserve it.

I watched my eight-month old son scream for stuff he wants, then upon receiving it he instantly become confused and not sure what to do with it. In the same minute he wanted it, he has refused it. As grown ups, we are not much different sometimes, we wish and long for that which when it arrives we are not sure what to do, we become confused, fearful and even resistant. If what you’ve always wanted starts to blossom and bloom, then it is time to sit and enjoy the beauty of it all. Don’t fight it, after all you wanted it. No need to be apologetic. You deserve it. God knew it and that is why he did it.

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