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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Association at eight months

During Joshua’s eight month, he was ill twice.

It was so amazing to observe how he had developed a phobia for everything placed at his mouth other than his bottle.

When he had fully recovered and we no longer needed to subject him to all those medication, every four hours, in some instance, he still remained resistant even weeks afterwards.

His mother and Grandmother shared with me the difficulty they encountered trying to calm him down whenever they attempted to brush his teeth. Two weeks after his last illness, they tried desperately and failed.

One Sunday afternoon I was at home and heard the screams and wondered what could be the possible reason for him to make such a loud cry. So I went to the living room to find out. On entering I noticed mommy trying to get him to change his clothes. I was however convinced that he doesn’t have to always cry whenever we need him to do what is necessary. So for a while we had a tussle and I took him away, determined that he doesn’t have to cry, there must be a better way.

Mommy then commented that I must complete all the necessary things to prepare him for bed. It was at that point I decided we may as well turn everything into a game.

After turning on some music, I danced him into his night clothes, changed his diapers and had him brushing his teeth with smiling face. Grandma and Mommy came to observe in utter disbelief.

We all have associations, just like Joshua. We recall or recount certain events and experiences in our lives once the similar conditions are present. Be it a certain sound, smell, colour, visual etc.

Association is a widely used memory tool. Quite often we can’t change the past or the way it affects us, however we can always change the association. Thank God for the perfect way in which He has made us, we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Doing what needs to done with the right attitude however with a different approach.