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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Fruit Trees

On this Christmas Eve I want to share on fruit trees.

Do you have fruit tress in your yard or on your farm that were not planted by you? Please consider this for a moment. Perhaps too you know someone who has quite a few fruit trees in their yard that they inherited; whatever the case, please stay with me.

Think for a moment, someone actually took the time to plant those trees. They also no doubt, realized that some of the trees would never bear in their life time, yet they spent the time, labored and sweat to bring forth what you and I now enjoy today.

You perhaps think you know where I am going but, I guarantee that you will never see fruit trees the same after today, so read on.

Per chance you have heard the saying that if you succeed without work, it is because someone has already performed the work for you. Likewise, if you work without succeeding, then someone will succeed after you. Well, this is not what this blog is about today either.

There are several things or person in our lives which we could consider are like fruit trees. They are excellent representations of FRUIT TREES. They provide ‘fruit’ as ‘human food’ whether to lift us up when we are down, feed us when we are hungry or catapult us into the unknown as we become better and achieve that which we never imagined possible.

It is a fact that growers often times neglect the annual training and pruning of fruit trees. Without training and pruning, however, fruit trees will not develop proper shape and form. Properly trained and pruned trees will yield high quality fruit much earlier in their lives and live significantly longer.

If you happen to miss your reaping season whether by negligence, choice or adversities. Do not be troubled. I have seen trees which were battered by many storms, live to bear again. If you missed your season, another one will surely come. Pick fruit the first season, but if not, rest assured that some fruit trees bear more than once per year.
Know your time and move at it with haste.

The way things are we can’t afford to go through life without planting. I would like to encourage you to plant two types of fruit tree. Firstly, plant a fruit bearing tree that will mature in your lifetime, to bring new hope, food and life to someone. Then watch the reapers feast of the fruit you have planted and allow yourself to feel satisfied at your accomplishments and be encouraged.

Then secondly, plant a fruit tree that may never bear in your lifetime but will be around for many generations to come. The reapers will be able to find new life, hope and wisdom; strength and perseverance even long after you have gone.

Jesus, Mary his mother and Joseph his earthly father sowed so we could reap. The early disciples of Jesus also sowed what we are feasting of today. They planted fruit bearing trees from which we now partake. We can now celebrate for Jesus’ life He dedicated. We have redemption through the process of salvation. Many years after and many more years to come this hope will be with mankind.

My Parents did just that and today, their nine children, over ten grandchildren and seven great grand children are among the many reapers. The true planters are indeed the best givers, for those who always sow will always have something to reap, something from which they can also give. Those who fully understand this principle know how to live the best lives.

Christmas time is a huge fruit tree planted for you and me. Let us share it

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