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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

You shouldn’t get upset today

Today someone is going to say or do something to make you upset.
My advice is that you plan ahead how you will respond. As difficult though it may seem, if we dwell on a thought long enough and hard enough it will eventually dictate how we act. These actions will over time become habits and these habits will become our way of life.

I am now more than ever convinced that there are some folks who derive pleasure from being miserable and causing misery for others. How is that? I really don’t understand. There is however a saying that misery loves misery.

If you are like me, then you like to be happy and you like it when others are happy. Let us therefore dwell on the good. Deal firmly with the negatives, but do not dwell on them. Whatever you dwell on you also magnify and that way it always appear bigger than it really is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's something to think about