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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Let no one seek his own good, but that of his neighbor

If you have ever felt sad because you believed you should have been a little more appreciated for your hard work and efforts, then this is for you. Today I sat down at my desk feeling rather hurt over the fact that I was being taken for granted in all sphere of my life. I didn’t cry, but I was almost there.

I have finally found out what is my ghost, the feeling of being used and unappreciated.

I use to be giving without grudging, helping without complaining and loving without wanting. I recall several years ago I would hear comments such as, “You are too willing and giving”. “You are fattening the chicken for the mongoose,” and so forth.
My thinking and Christian ideals were being infiltrated by others who were either abused or hurt in the past while they gave themselves to others or a cause and so they believe I should put up a wall too; suggesting again and again that I should restrain my giving and put more of self in my living.

The truth is though; we all like to feel rewarded for our efforts and accomplishments. This may be part of the reason why I take time out to celebrate once I have achieved a milestone in my life. I know there are several other reasons why we should pause and celebrate our accomplishments. But by doing it myself I relinquish the desire of having others shower me with appreciation.

Furthermore, I am deeply encouraged by the passage of scripture in the bible which says, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.” – Ecclesiastes. 9:10

Part of the greed and selfishness that have taken over the world is that we no longer hold some of these essential life style practices close to our hearts. When I was growing up, regardless of whether you were a Christian or not, the fear of God was evident. We gave with no strings attached and our neighbor’s joy was our own.

So I felt bad for a good portion of the time until I saw the title verse in an email a friend had sent me earlier this week. “Let no one seek his own good, but that of his neighbor”. – 1 Corinthians 10: 24

There are some of us who require the appreciation of others to go on. It is our engine to keep us going. Then there are those who are very unkind and would use you at every opportunity without ever expressing a heart of gratitude. They too must adhere to these wise words of guidance from Paul.

Finally here is something that I have held dear to my heart and I guess it is time to renew its purpose in my life:

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

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