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Saturday, October 4, 2008

People, problem & solution

I have an attitude where I am more solution oriented than problem hunting. I try not to dwell on the bad or wrong while allowing room for more bad to be done. I am amazed at what is happening around me with our Government and people.

The situation is this. We are having some serious crisis facing us as a nation and rather than persons lending their voice to help with a plausible solution, most persons are using their energy to express what they don’t agree with, declare what will not work and most of them have no alternate recommendations. How sad…

I am amazed that even with so many learnt men and women; they have still not been able to pass this hurdle.
Wisdom really does come from God. Some people just love to talk, but they will never offer a hand to help someone in need or even to make a suggestion to someone who is going astray and desperately need to find their way.

We need more people who are more determined to fix problems than to create new ones. Take a look at the passion and determination that those who are involve in evil have. They got the extreme to perform their wicked acts. But, imagine what our lives would be like if we all used our knowledge, abilities, wisdom and resources for the good and better of us all rather than serving individual agendas. What a world that would be.

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