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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Owe no one anything

Have you ever wondered why the apostle Paul made the following statement?

"Owe no man anything, but to love one another,
for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law."
-Romans 13:8

Here is a biblical instruction that we can all see the benefits right away and I am not just talking about the fact that we would be fulfilling the law…check this out

There are so many people around us who are in need of love and it truly is comforting to know that if you are lacking then you can go and get from your neighbor who actually 'owes' you.

I like the idea of the word 'owe' for then the giver is obligated to fulfill their 'love-debt'

There are many days when you and I run short on love and could really use a withdrawal...well our neighbor owes us love, so we can ask for what is owed to us. It is our due.

We also are in a financial climate where a lot of us owe huge amounts of money and oh we wish we could just settle our due. Once we have settled our obligation, we are free and we can exhale.

This is so beautiful. If we all were to abide by this righteous instruction, giving our neighbor the love that is due to them, can you then imagine the type of world we would create?

Someone may also say the only problem with this is that most people I know are ‘love-bankrupt’.

That is true, but the source of love, GOD, controls the International Reserves and word is out that he allows withdrawals at interest free rates.

In that case we all can happily pay our due.

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