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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Finding Your Passion

If you feel you have not found your passion, it could mean that you are not paying life the attention it requires. Once you give life some thought, it usually rewards you with the answers for the questions you have.

When you truly desire that thing which brings exhilarating joy and the feelings of fulfillment you deserve.
Then start with that thing which you would do just for the love of it. You would do it even if no one pays you to do it.
You would do it just for the way it makes you feel and others just love it when you do it.

When you wake up in the morning if all you can think about is to sing, then sing.
When you wake up in the morning if all you can think about is to write, then you should write.

Spend more time giving attention to those things and people that are important to you.

Pay more attention to those things that you love dearly and allow them to bring out some of God’s greatest treasures hidden inside of you. The more you do it, the better you will get. Once you start getting better, the quality of your life will improve and words can not explain the joys you will begin to experience.

Finding that thing can be a challenge for some people, but I know you have the gusto, the will, the fire and the oomph, so go for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very Good