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Thursday, November 17, 2011

If I Could Inspire My Dad

If I could help him to lift his head to the sky

If I could tell him how much influence he has lying within him

Another man of champion

A lion, a man

If I could show him how he can win

If I could inspire him

Stir him to reach higher and higher

If I could show him his wings and be his wind

If I could make him believe that his seed lives on in me, deep within

If I could inspire him to change his thinking so he could embrace a better living

If I could demonstrate how his words live on,

Though I am no longer a child

If I could make him understand that I had no idea just how much I needed to protect my grown up years from my childhood experiences

He inspired me to be better, much better than he has been,

Now it’s my turn to help him be better than he has and always been

If I could inspire my dad,

I would let him know he is one of a kind, the only dad I have ever known,

The only dad I have ever had.

‘Love has hands’ – The Colour and Power of Your Thoughts – Inspiring, Witty and Motivating Words

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