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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Shadow-side effect

Today as I traveled to work I came up on an object in the road.
I was traveling east and the morning sun had cast a shadow on the object in the middle of the road.
The object seemed dark and was difficult to identify. But as I drew closer and closer, my vision got a little clearer and I saw what appeared to be a little dog that was unfortunately run over by an earlier vehicle and by now had become motionless.

As I drove around it and looked back in my rear view mirror, it became even clearer what it was. It was a little white puppy with brown stripes and black spots. As I pondered on the whole experience I realized even in this there was a beautiful morning lesson.

As I approached the object it was difficult and perhaps impossible to see clearly what was in the road. The shadow effect had created a blur, a distraction and an illusion. This reminded me of life and how often we fail to see things for their real value and color as our perception is affected by shadows around; Shadows that cause us to only see the pain and not the gain from each experience; Shadows that cause us to focus on the hurt instead of the chance of a new birth.

As I continued the rest of my journey I began to notice the same thing even with each tree along the road side. To see the tree’s real color, type and worth I had to view it from the side with the sun light and not its shadow-side. An amazing lesson it was for me and I pray it will be for you too. The shadow-side is not the best angle to judge your current troubles and problems. If you really want to see them for what they are worth, view them from the side of the light. Allow the light to cause you to see life for what it really is.

In light of this unfortunate accident with the puppy I chose not to allow my emotional-side to cause me to miss this ah! ah! moment or my morning dew.
In John 8 v 12, Jesus is described as the light of the world.
The shadow side also causes us to be filled with fear, for the shadows often times bring scary darkness. If you are not looking from the sunny-side, the Jesus-side, then you are viewing life from its shadow-side.


1 comment:

Melesha said...

This was good and it makes you think.
