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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Way Home

When you have lost your way and have become weary of life do you know your way home?
If you allow the struggles and challenges to overburden you, eventually you also will become stressed and despondent. Does this sound like you?


Perhaps so as well

Well you are not alone...There are so many institutions, societies, churches, families, government and individuals who have totally lost their way. Issues which once were dear to our hearts have become far less significant. Moral standards have decayed and many have strayed. We defend the wrong as though our inheritance depended on it. The original purpose for which some things were created has been abhorrently compromised and we continue to make silly excuses.

How many things around you are actually working the way they ought to? Most certainly it is not a perfect world, we are not even close. I am not for one minute purporting that all is lost. But when we have lost our way and need to find our way home, then it cannot be business as usual. Some things must change.

The Prodigal son is one such story of hope, forgiveness and love. He left all the convenience and comfort of his father's house to champion life on his own. He was careless in his spending and immature in accepting certain responsibilities. He lost his way. He soon became poor and wanting. His ‘friends’ with whom he squandered his money turned their backs on him. He had become destitute, disgraceful and overcome by shame. Nonetheless, He never allowed that to stop him. He never gave up.

Instead he got up and decided it was time to journey home. Not surprising, he knew the way home. He knew he could raise his current standard; perhaps also return to his rightful place. His father was waiting, hoping for his safe return. Upon his return, he wanted to negotiate the terms, bargaining to be a servant as he thought that he was no longer worthy to be called a son. But his forgiving and loving father opened his arms and his heart and received his son which was lost. He was restored to his rightful place, a son.

When we have lost our way home, it puts us in a place where we can experience the power of love and forgiveness. It gives us an opportunity to make a new story of hope. Don’t give up even if it seems like all around is shattering. There is a way home; regardless of the facts facing you. There is hope. There is a way, you too can find your way home.

The story is really about the forgiving father. In a similar way our Heavenly Father loves and forgives us once we are willing to come home. You too should love and forgive others so God's best can be done in their lives and also in yours.

Have a good walk today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its so important that we always keep an open door for our loved ones who have lost their way. Also, we need to know that there is a time when we need to find our way home out of despondency.