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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Her friends dumped her

During our recent pregnancy, one of the recurring complaints of my wife was the fact that she felt like her friends had abandoned her. I tried to discount her concerns, but then I too admittedly, know the value of precious friendships, the kind that brings more color to our lives and so I had to come to her rescue on more than one occasions. I sought to explained to her that if she felt like her friends had forsaken her then she should give them a call and let them know how much she was longing to see and hear from them. Of course, this was not the approached she favored.

So she spent the next few days alone moping and then nose-dived into her pool of self pity. I would once again use the opportunity to explain that if she made the call then it would help to make her feel a lot better. At least twice I called a few of her friends and asked how is it that they had dumped her. Of course they explained how busy they were between their jobs, school and family, but her good friends usually call or take a trip over to the house. I know there are those who will think I should not try to find solutions as some women prefer when their men sympathize or empathized rather than attempt to fix all their problems. Well, that’s just not me. After the emotional experience then we need plausible and suitable solutions to our problems or whatever bothers us.

In most parts of Jamaica, stopping by a friend’s house unannounced is a common practice; which almost can be considered a part of our culture. We like to hang out and lyme or just pass by for a quick hello.

The fact is, we all at some point in our lives feel as though we are alone, left to face our challenges and the storms of life like an island on the sea; a phase in our lives when we believe that our friends are just never there when we needed them most. Jesus had a similar encounter during his Garden of Gethsemane experience.

I am reminded to make a phone call especially when I am aware that a friend, a colleague, a family member, a church brethren or just an associate may be having a challenging time, regardless of whether they are struggling or suffering by their own demise. We all do need a word of encouragement or just a kind reminding that someone else cares; someone else is cheering us on.

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