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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Keep the tap on

You are flowing with inspiration and burning with fires of passion. You are able to think and reason at a much higher level than normal. You have finally tapped into your creative imagination and what seemed impossible is now but a ‘walk in the park’.

God has positioned you right where you are for such a time as this. You are affecting lives and lives are being changed to a commitment to Jesus Christ. Your wisdom is God-given.

I urge you my friend, to keep the tap on. Whatever makes you glow like a bulb, shine like a star and become all that you are, keep it on. You have much more in you to give and to pour out so keep your tap on.

Some things in life will dry up or cease once they are no longer desired, treasured or cared for. I urge you my friend, to keep the tap on.

If along your journey your pipeline becomes clogged, just seek the help of the ‘Great Plumber – God Almighty.’ In all that you will achieve and do, remember there are many who are counting on you, so keep the tap on.

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