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Sunday, January 30, 2011

How Do You Pray?

If you pray just for stuff
Your praying is not enough

If you pray only to complain
Your praying is not from a heart of thanksgiving

Pray when times are good
And whilst they get tough

Pray earnestly for the ambitious,
The beggar, the thief, the ole cruff

Pray to say thanks
Pray to deposit in your prayer bank

Pray when it’s hard to do
Pray, it will bring you through

Pray when you are confuse
Pray when you have nothing to lose

Pray when you are at a lost for words
Groanings will be heard

Pray without the wickedness in your heart
That is always the best place to start

Pray without ceasing, pray without end
Bless your enemies, need no reminder to pray for your friend

Watch and pray
Lest you fall into temptation and go astray

Friday, January 28, 2011

Go! Joshua Go!

Be your own cheerleader

One evening our thirty month old son was riding his red tricycle in our living room.
Up and down the room he went, knocking over just about any small item in his way.
He caught my attention as he was pedaling with such great force and determination and you would almost believe he was a contender in a race.

Soon his enthusiasm soared and he began shouting with excitement, “Go Joshua Go!”
Recognizing that he had won the attention of everyone in the house he shouted even more, “Go Joshua Go!”

Soon his excitement was felt and shared by all. This small act of enthusiasm and passion in motion was able to light up the entire room.

The bible tells us in 1 Samuel 30:6 “And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.”

Shortly after King David encouraged himself, he got up and went to battle and had one of the greatest victories for the army of Israel.

Be your own cheerleader

There will be times when you must tap into the strength that God has already given you; the strength that lies within and is quickened whenever it is tested.

Be your own cheerleader as you face life’s challenges.
This is by no means underestimating the power of working together or fellowshipping among the brethren. It speaks to a time when you must become so excited and determined to move forward you will be able to affect and lift the spirits of those who too may be burdened down or greatly distressed.

Be your own cheerleader as you go about your way, you are bound to find new strength and drive to go forward.

Happiness v Joy

Happiness is me going after my dreams, my fantasies and wishes and usually leaves me with guilt or regrets.

Joy is me going after God’s dreams, his plan and purpose for my life and usually leaves me with a song in my heart even if I am in prison

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'm going to make it

I'm going to make it
It’s going to work out
Though the path I’m on seems so difficult lonely and long
I'm going to make it.

The thing I'm so worried about, in the end may never even count, its going to work out.

I am feeling down but God will lift me up,
My soul gets confused at times but its going to work out

Difficult - perhaps
But not impossible

Uncertain – at times
But faith needs just a mustard seed to work

Even when I feel like a stranger
I must find that place where I belong

It’s going to work out, I know it will

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I like to say ‘Hi!’

I like to say ‘Hi’...
Don’t ask me why...

I was taught to be polite...
Read in the bible that I am light...

You may never know...
Just how far a simple ‘Hi’ will go...

What remarkable power in a ‘Hi’...
Cause someone to smile, another to sigh...

Just like the cockatoo...
I like to say ‘Hi’ to you...

So before I bid you bye...
Here is a BIG Hi!!!!!...

(Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you) – Ephesians 4:32 NAS

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Heal my heart

Every encounter I have had in the past left me with emotional scars, emotional glories or indifference. But most often I am left with a story.

These encounters then cause me to build a wall, high and wide or sometimes they just break down my wall.

It is certain that I will always take decisions based on my experiences. Oftentimes these decisions are not healthy for my future; Decisions that cause me to lose self confidence and torment my heart with fear, shyness, guilt and more.

You too have emotional encounters every single day of your life; Encounters that leave you with baggage or strip you of your joy. You then take decisions going forward which may be wrong as these only block you from being the best you that you can be.

These are decisions which sometimes cause you to lower your expectations and standards. Your heart believes the lie that you must settle for that which the word of God strictly forbids.

You start living the lie, the Deceiver then make it seems like this was just what you needed all this time, but you know within your heart your solution presents more questions than answers and brings you more trouble than ease. His prescription leaves you with too many side effects and ungodly actions and reactions.

Now you are at the place that I have been before. The place where you now realise you must stop and take stock of your life. You look at where you are now and where you want to be. You are determined to stop wasting time, stop distracting yourself and quit the idle jesting.

Then you do what I call an emotional inventory, so you look at all the bad experiences that you have had and the way they make you feel and live today. You also look at the decisions you have made from those encounters you’ve had and compare it to what the word of God says about you. Determined to move forward your soul is now ready to cry out, “Oh Lord, heal my heart”.

It is too dangerous to attempt to move forward without being healed; then again sometimes what you really need to be healed is a simple decision to move forward.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Be an Instrument God can use

What would you do if you had a piano for seventy years that was never played?

How would you feel if you were made gold but was treated like feather and you lived like a rat?

What if at the end of it all you were told that you were a predestined winner, who has never won?

Imagined God having loads of unclaimed blessings in heaven with your name on it, for which you never asked, you never tried, always thinking you are too afraid, too shy.

Do you realise what gets used stays longer and its years are extended?

Consider a shoe, a car or an article of clothing, how they last when used.

Be an instrument God can use, this is one time you really don’t mind being used, after all He created you, and He knows best, that which suits you.

I did this all for God’s Glory in 2010:

I created:

950 Thoughts

230 Poems

115 Songs and Other Music Pieces

145 Blogs

79 Other Creative Writings

Certainly there is something God can use you to do, something ordinary, something supernatural, something new, it’s entirely up to you.

Ask Him today, to use you in a powerful way and then get ready for it.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Music Mouse Trap

She was only lying to herself. She now pays the bitter price. She had no idea she would have been captured like a mouse with a trap that was so nicely decorated with cheese.
Those of us who continue to believe that music is music and it is nothing more than a form of art and entertainment, better know that something dangerous is looming on the horizon.

If you are one of those Christians who believe it is perfectly ok to listen to just about any type of music whether on your own ipod, computer, phone or those of your unsaved friends, then you better know that you are walking in the devil’s forte.

Over the last 36 months I have made several presentations on the impact of music on human behaviour, highlighting how the music affects the way we think, act and who we ultimately become. I have used several scripture references to show that once our desires are not in line with what God desires for us we are most likely treading down the wrong road. I have also pointed out the importance of making good daily choices.

The world is already trapped, no question about that, as the head of the world’s music is one who was once the best in heaven. He now stands as a great musician, composer, arranger etc. He waits like a bear in the woods wanting to get the heads of especially those who are in music in the Kingdom of God, so watch out. His name is Lucifer, a deceiver. He has so much experience deceiving people I sometimes wonder why we think we can single handedly out wit him.

Sad to say, too many have already been caught by his ‘mouse trap’. I like to call it ‘MUSE – SICK’, amuse them while making them spiritually, emotionally and physically sick. You are likely to pay attention to whatever entertains you and whatever entertains you and get your attention find it easier to make its way into your heart and into your soul; Without you even knowing it or being aware of it sometimes you find yourself in a mouse trap and in need of rescue. I pray your eyes will be open and you will discern the enemy’s cunning devices. Otherwise, self deception will lead you into self destruction.